Poker Faith Level
Poker faith can be defined as a person's ability to identify potential opponents in poker. It is an instinctive need for the player to have a general idea of who will be his or her opponent in the long run. Poker faith is also referred to as a gambler's instinct. This ability has been studied and discussed in many published studies. The effects of poker faith on the outcome of a poker game have also been studied. These studies have proven that the level of poker faith, in the hands with which the players play, could greatly affect the game. Furthermore, poker faith has also shown a high degree of inter-individual variability. Therefore, there is a need to understand the meaning of poker faith level when playing poker. One way to study the importance of poker faith is to see how the players play in comparison to their expectation of playing. For example, if you expect to be dealt two cards, but you find out that the dealer has three cards, you would be more likely to make...